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Options panel. You can adjust settings for individual frames. It's a powerful tool for any production that requires people to look their best. The plugin also has a simple options panel that can be accessed from anywhere.
The options panel is very simple, but you can also access a more advanced skin retouching window to change settings for individual frames. Once the plugin has analyzed the footage, it creates a mask that you can easily remove and use on other videos. The plugin supports a ton of the most popular video formats, from Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, Final Cut Pro, and more.
Beauty Box Video is easy to use, and it is the fastest and most effective way to do skin retouching with any video. With Beauty Box, you can create a smoothing mask that applies to the entire video frame, or you can create a local mask for an individual clip. Beauty Box is an intuitive and powerful tool for professionals and beginners alike.
With Beauty Box, you don't need to manually create skin smoothing masks or retouch video frame by frame. Beauty Box identifies the skin tones and removes imperfections, like digital makeup, while leaving important facial details sharp. It's used by such companies as Park Road Post Production, NBC, and Universal Music.
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One of the drawbacks to this approach was that we needed to recompile every time we made even a small change to the code. This slowed everything else we were doing down and because we couldn't always have someone waiting for the application to finish building. 827ec27edc