Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Save File Download
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If you purchase the game again on the 3DS, you will be able to use the same save file on both 3DS and Wii U. However, this time, you will be able to transfer the save data from Wii U to 3DS directly without using the USB cable.
P.P.S. I have the latest firmware on both 3DS and Wii U. I had troubles with the save data on 3DS and Wii U and did what was suggested on a not too prominent website. The save data was transferred between consoles using the USB cable. I have already tried to do that using the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U USB-C cable and also using the PC as the intermediary. It works fine. So, I hope this info will help some one.
@Goran Also, you can't transfer save data from one version to the other with the transfer tool. You can only transfer data between 2 versions. I'm not sure why you want to have the same save on both platforms. I do it with my 3DS and Wii U save files, but I don't have this option on my Wii U and 3DS.
The save data is somewhat unique to the Wii U. It can be saved on the Switch, but the Nintendo eShop will not sync the save data. Additionally, you cannot transfer save data from the Switch to the Wii U and vice-versa.
And I'm not talking about the save data that's auto-synced between the 3DS and Wii U. That saves data is unique to your account on the Nintendo device. There is no way to have 2 different accounts have the exact same data.
@EpicWuhan I'm going to have to disagree with you there. Save data is shared between Nintendo accounts. If you log in to your account on a Nintendo Switch (or other Nintendo Switch device), it will be synced with your account on the Wii U and 3DS.
Here are a few screenshots of my mods, which I have made on the basis of Arena Chess GUI 1.7.0 in the past three months or so.
In a few words, it is all about adding my mods onto a standard stockfish setup and change the executables, so that the programs have the following functions (I hope, everything is clear in the screenshots): 827ec27edc