Questionnaire On Consumer Awareness Pdf Download
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To test these hypotheses, we conducted a questionnaire study in July 2017. The following sections describe the structure of the questionnaire and its results. The structure of the questionnaire was based on the findings of recent studies and literature reviews. The questionnaire questions were divided into two main sections. The first section covered basic sociodemographic information (e.g. age, gender, employment status, household size, etc.), household characteristics (e.g. household income, food consumption, home food preservation), and general awareness of household food waste. In addition, we asked questions about the awareness of sustainable dietary guidelines, considering food waste and organic produce. The second section consisted of items that addressed the possible consequences of consumer behavior in terms of household food waste and organic produce consumption (e.g. cost, environmental benefit, social norms, etc.). The majority of questions covered information on the perceived environmental, social and health impacts of food waste and organic produce consumption. In addition, we asked questions to make some comparisons to the current guidelines in order to stimulate the respondent to consider their current habits in the context of the sustainable guidelines. The questionnaire had a total of 104 questions.
Following consent, the questionnaires were distributed to adult consumers via e-mail, either anonymously or with a code or signature. The questionnaires were open to 4 weeks. The usable response rate was over 70% (N=356), and the average completion time was 20 minutes. The respondents were assumed to be representative of the general population of Hungarian adults. However, the sample is not representative of the total adult population, as the survey was sent to individuals who agreed to take part in the online survey. As the completed questionnaires were partly on an online survey platform, the number of completed questionnaires may be biased due to the technical difficulties of completing them.
Most of the questionnaires (149) were filled in by women, and the average age of the participants was 34. Most respondents were in a relationship (72%), and almost half of the participants worked full time (49%), while the majority of the respondents were living in private households (81%).
This study is part of a series of surveys carried out by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). These surveys investigate the awareness, perceptions, and attitudes of the general population in the UK towards the chemical substances in consumer products. It collected information from 10,829 respondents from approximately 2,000 households throughout England, Scotland, and Wales. The main purpose of the survey was to provide information for the development of the UK’s chemical policy. The results of this survey will be used to influence policy makers for the purpose of protecting the public from potentially harmful substances in consumer chemical products. 827ec27edc