Social Media In Employee Selection And Recruitm...
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Gordon B. Schmidt, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Organizational Leadership & Supervision at Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne. He received his PhD in Organizational Psychology from Michigan State University in 2012. His primary research interests relate to how social media can significantly impact the worker-organization relationship. Recent work has looked at legal aspects of employment terminations due to worker social media behavior. He has also examined how social media can play a part in virtual leadership and virtual team behavior. He has an upcoming book chapter on how social media can be a medium for organizational politics. He is well connected with the field of I/O Psychology through social media, being a top 10 contributor on the I/O Psychologist social media site My.SIOP, a moderator of the I/O Psychology sub-reddit, and running a Twitter account devoted to disseminating knowledge on psychology, management, higher education, and technology.
As recruitment agencies compete for top talent, it has become increasingly necessary to use social media in talent acquisition. Indeed, over 90% of all recruiters now use social networking sites in their recruitment process. The following are eight benefits of using social media as part of your recruitment advertising strategy:
Social media recruiting is the use of social media in the hiring process to recruit candidates through job postings, research, and networking. This provides an alternative path from traditional recruiting methods.
Today, practically every ideal candidate you could consider for any position at your company is on social media. Facebook enjoys an active user base of over 2.19 billion. Twitter is popular for the ability to host job search chats and many millennials and Generation X demographic are active users of LinkedIn as a job hunting platform.
Wherever you look, you see social networks serving as incredible platforms for identifying and recruiting talented individuals to work for your clients. Certainly, few other platforms can reach as many people as social media, meaning that you are likely to get the caliber of talent other platforms can hardly match.Higher quality candidates.
Social recruiting is effective, not just in finding you the ideal candidate, but also in increasing the visibility of your brand. By advertising new positions on social media, you strengthen your brand and create some level of trust among potential employees.
People view brands that have a strong social media presence as more trustworthy. Therefore, it would serve your business well to establish a robust social media presence, not just because you want to find good employees, but also because doing so will build trust among potential customers as well as make it a coveted place to work.Reduce cost of hire.
Without a doubt, recruitment costs via social media are almost always, lower than those of other methods. A simple Facebook ad can for instance get you over two times more visibility than the traditional recruitment methods like classified ads in the dailies and job boards.Opens the door to engagement.
Imagine a brand that has taken its time to grow its audience, even using tools like Growr to organically grow on social media, but finds itself struggling to engage with the followers it has gathered. Such a brand can benefit from a social media post of a job opening.
As interested individuals seek out more information regarding the job opportunity, your social media page gets more engagement. Some interested parties will post on the comments section, others will share with their friends and followers, while others will send you a direct message to your inbox.
The idea is to attract potential candidates, not overwhelm them with promises of bliss if they get a job at your company. Though such promises might be true, potential employees could start to view you and your company as con artists or spammers, ultimately undermining your credibility and ruining your chances of getting top talent via the social platform.
It is now an open secret that employers use social media to get an in-depth understanding of the people they have hired at their companies. Many people see social media platforms as free spaces where they can express their frustrations, talk about their causes and share their experiences as they go through the days of the lives. What you might not know is that potential employers also check out candidates on social media.
The traditional methods of recruitment generally take longer than social media recruitment methods. This means that when you have an open position that you need filled in the shortest time possible, social media is the platform to consider. Social networking sites not only make it easy and fast to communicate with candidates, it also allows them to respond faster. As a result, excellent work relationships often emerge.
Be specific in your needs and goals. Before you begin your social media recruitment strategy, you need to understand the purpose behind the strategy. Otherwise you will be unfocused which will waste time and money. Know what role and responsibilities you want to fill and how it meets your needs. Also engage in quantitative goals so you can evaluate the success of your strategy.
Evaluate. Constantly assess your social media recruiting strategy to see what is working and what is not. Develop a strategy that is focused yet flexible so that you can make changes when necessary.
Include all the relevant information. Similarly, social media users tend to be reluctant to follow a link to more information, so make sure important details like salary and job requirements are all covered in the post itself.
Marquis is a writer, social media manager and SEO content marketer. She currently lives on the coast of Ecuador, working remotely as a freelancer. Her primary focus is on building online visibility of new, up and coming brands, particularly brands that promote health and wellness.
The ubiquity of social media has prompted HR departments to develop fully formed social media recruiting strategies and include them as a formal part of their organizations' human capital management strategies.
Recruiting via social media can also be more cost-effective than conventional recruitment methods, such as on-campus events and in-person job fairs, which often require travel and many work hours to set up and staff.
An employer's talent acquisition strategy and the number and types of platforms it uses in its recruitment efforts affect how broad or targeted the mix of potential candidates is. Many social media sites enable HR professionals to easily tailor messages to each candidate group.
To pursue social media recruiting, organizations create a presence on social media sites as a way to bolster their brand, showcase their corporate culture and, ultimately, interest people in applying for jobs.
They launch paid media campaigns -- in which social media networks target ads to people identified as being most interested in the messaging -- use an \"organic\" (nonpaid) approach or a combination of the two.
The emergence of social media recruiting in the first two decades of the 21st century tracks with the rise of social media itself. Employers quickly recognized that vast numbers of working-age individuals -- particularly those in the millennial generation and later Generation Z as that cohort entered the workforce -- spend significant time on social media sites. According to a report by research company GWI, \"The biggest social media trends for 2022,\" 58.4% of the world's population uses social media, with daily use averaging 2 hours and 27 minutes.
The growth of both social media and social media recruiting has similarly given rise to HR professionals who specialize in this area. The symbiotic relationship between social media and enterprise recruiting efforts also means that social media platforms now make recruitment features and tools available to organizations. Additionally, HR professionals can use third-party software to manage, enhance and support their social media recruitment activities.
Employers have little choice but to include social media in their recruitment strategy because job candidates are using the technology to find jobs. According to research from software company CareerArc, 86% of job seekers use social media in their job search. Its research, published in its \"2021 Future of Recruiting Study,\" also found that Facebook; review sites, such as Glassdoor; and LinkedIn are the top three sites workers use to find employer information.
Organizations, whether actively hiring at the moment or anticipating it in the future, can also increase their visibility by using social media channels. Doing so enables enterprise leaders, such as recruiters and HR managers, to position their organizations as positive places to work by highlighting, for example, a good corporate culture, great benefits or a strong promote-from-within policy.
The \"2022 Job Seeker Nation Report\" from talent acquisition software vendor Employ reinforces the point: Although online job boards remain the most popular vehicle for posting openings (cited by 59% of respondents), 46% named friends as the source of job opening information; 39% said social media sites, such as LinkedIn and Facebook; 33% said employer career sites; 25% said professional connections; and 23% said career fairs.
Indeed, social media use among professionals in general, and job seekers in particular, continues to climb, with HR leaders acknowledging that they must meet workers where they are if they hope to reach the broadest and best pool of potential employees.
The technology that powers social media -- most notably, advanced search capabilities, filters and automated suggestions that generate connections between individuals -- also drives many of the key benefits of using social media versus older recruitment techniques.
First, social media enables recruiters not only to reach vastly more people, but at the same time pinpoint professionals who have the credentials they're seeking. The vast reach of the internet means a strategic social media recruitment effort can reach millions and theoretically do so nearly instantaneously. At the same time, social media tools enable recruiters to identify candidates with desired credentials, such as particular degrees or skills. Social media enables recruiters to spread information about job openings and the organization to both passive and active candidates. Traditional recruiting methods, such as online job boards or advertisements, most often engage only active candidates who are looking for that information. 59ce067264
Well, Social Media plays a crucial role in Employee Selection and Recruitment because almost all people are on social media and use it for various purposes, including write my essay service, so I believe that Social media platforms are crucial in Recruitment.
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