Zero Assumption Recovery 9 2 Full BETTER
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Training history appears to modulate recovery processes, but this interplay is not well appreciated in the research literature. In the American College of Sports Medicine position stand, the recommendations for rest period length and training frequency for power training are like those for novice, intermediate, and advanced athletes [90]. In contrast, the guidelines outlined by the UK Athletics state that duration, number of repetitions, and recovery time in sprint-specific training sessions should be adjusted according to training status and performance level [15, 16]. For example, an underlying assumption in high-performance environments is that each sprint performed by an elite athlete is more demanding on the entire neuromuscular system than for their lower performing counterparts, and hence, more recovery time between each sprint is needed [15, 16]. Future research should aim to verify this claim.
With full information we obtained a ME on the log scale of 0.008 (95%CI:-0.015; 0.030). By taking the exponentials again, we can infer that if the original HR is 1.5, or 0.667 for its inverse, then we would expect to obtain a reconstructed HR of 1.512, or 0.661 for its inverse. The confidence intervals for the ME span zero, indicating no statistically significant systematic error. Looking at the MAE of 0.017 (95%CI: 0.002; 1.222), we can infer that if the original HR was 1.5, or 0.667 for its inverse, we would expect the reconstructed HR would be within a factor or exp (0.017) = 1.017 either side of the original values, i.e. 1.475 or 1.525, or 0.656 or 0.678 for its inverse. Based on the upper confidence limit we would expect 97.5 of reconstructed HRs to be within a factor of exp (0.122) = 1.13 either side of the original values: for an original value of 1.5, or 0.667 for its inverse, this means that 97.5% of reconstructed values will be between 1.33 and 1.69, or between 0.59 and 0.75 for its inverse. With full information the reproducibility is good: 68% of values are expected to be within exp (0.021) = 1.02 of their mean value, or 1.04 if we take the upper confidence limit. The variation due to choice of exemplars is of similar magnitude to the MAE.
The ME was not significantly different from zero when using full information. The ME on the log scale was estimated to be 0.002 (95%CI: -0.035; 0.040). In the 'neither' case, the ME became significantly negative, meaning that the uncertainty in the reconstructed HRs was underestimated. This is due to the assumption of no censoring which was made in this case.
Loss given default can theoretically be zero when a financial institution is modeling LGD. If the model believes that a full recovery on the loan is possible then the LGD can be zero. This is usually not the case, however.
Scanning a damaged array (full or shallow) is unlikely to be instantaneous, since raids usually have a large capacity, and the RAID recovery function checks even the most remote locations for deleted and inaccessible files. 153554b96e
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